Last update: 6 Mar 2023

Returns Policy

To submit a refund request, please contact our help desk. It’s OK, we’re very reasonable.

An ebook you purchase from is eligible for return if we receive your request within seven days of the date of purchase, and you have read less than 10 percent of the book. We will issue you a store credit, or process a full refund to your card or PayPal account – whatever your preference.

If an ebook does not perform as described by us, you may return it at any time under these rules:

Return of eBook within 7 days

You can return an ebook within seven days if you’ve read less than 10 percent of the book. We’ll issue a store credit or refund.

This is an honour system and is intended solely for common sense situations: for example, if you accidentally clicked the “purchase” button, or the textbook is not needed for your course after all. Or, Heaven forbid, the quality of the writing is unacceptable.

But, if you keep shopping with us and keep requesting refunds for your purchases, we will disable your ability to buy more ebooks from It’s not appropriate to abuse this system in order to just get a bunch of ebooks without paying for them.

We have a duty to our authors that they should be properly rewarded for their efforts.

You can check the quality or appropriateness of an ebook before buying it. Just click on the click to preview link on the product page and you’ll get a clear idea – before purchasing.

Return of ebook for a valid reason

Up to 365 days

We will issue a store credit or process a refund, if possible. (If too much time has passed, PayPal or your card issuer may not allow a refund. The window for processing refunds varies from one provider to another; it can be weeks or months. In such cases we will provide you a store credit.)

After a year

It is unlikely that we would do this. Whether or not we process a refund after such a long time is entirely at our discretion, and will be determined on the merits of the case. If we grant a refund in such a case it will only be in the form of a gift certificate that can be redeemed for purchases at

What is a “valid reason” for returning an ebook?

We take a commonsense approach to refund requests. What constitutes a “valid reason” can change over time, along with changes in technology, and will be determined entirely at our discretion based on the circumstances. No correspondence will be entered into regarding such determination.

“I didn’t enjoy the book” is not a valid reason.

Technical problems

“The ebook didn’t meet my technical expectations” can be a valid reason for refund if the product falls short of its description. If an ebook you buy from us does not match its description in some respect, then we will process a full refund without hesitation.

On every product page on our website the ebook you’re buying is fully described. Example:

Among other things, the description includes:

The description displayed on each ebook’s product page on constitutes our entire representation as to that product’s characteristics and functionality.

Technology changes over time. We currently support over 20,000 different reading devices. If you find that an ebook you bought in the past does not suit your needs today because of changes in technology outside our control (for example, because you bought a new device that does not support our file formats, or because the manufacturer’s firmware upgrade renders the ebook unusable on that particular device), you are not entitled to a refund.

Remember, every ebook offered for sale on can be read on any device that has a web browser.

Non-Technical problems

There’s a variety of real-world issues that can trigger a refund. Just contact our support team and they’ll be glad to help. For example, if you bought an ebook for a course but then changed courses, or the instructor changed the recommended text, let us know and we’ll fix that – provided you haven’t read more than 10 percent of the book.

Vouchers and Gift Certificates

Vouchers are sold on a firm sale, non-returnable basis. If you buy a batch of vouchers, you are not entitled to a refund for un-redeemed vouchers. This is because, having sold you a voucher or batch of vouchers for a specific title, we then pay the publisher(s) of the ebooks for the whole batch, on a firm sale, non-returnable basis.

You can return a gift certificate on the same terms as any ebook (as above), provided that the gift certificate has not been redeemed


These rules are really only designed to prevent abuse, which sometimes happens. We are reasonable, and are keen to help reasonable people who act reasonably.

We monitor returns and refund requests in order to prevent abuse. The ability to buy more ebooks from will be withdrawn if, in our sole judgment, we have reasonable grounds to believe the user is abusing the system.

When we process a refund for an ebook, we’ll disable your access to the ebook (delete it from your online bookshelf).


If an ebook becomes corrupted or requires replacement during the normal course of use, you can re-download anytime from your account.